Best Bipolar Disorder Treatment in Delhi, India

As a recent phenomenon, bipolar disorder has come to the fore in many discussions. The
dilemma though remains on how many of us can identify this disorder and opt for the right
treatment available. With the complications of the illness it is also important to choose from
the best bipolar disorder treatment options and adhere to its medication.

To identify this illness on time is half the battle won. Questions you should be willing to
answer are, do you often get bouts of mood swings? Or do you get overly ecstatic and at
times extremely depressed? Are these phases coming to you in succession? If the answers
are a ‘yes’ then it's time you take all this seriously. Bipolar disorder is often mistaken as
simple depression or even schizophrenia and hence not treated or simply ignored!

However, bipolar disorder is not a rare mental disorder. According to the World Health
Organisation, about sixty million people worldwide and in India, around three percent of the
population is affected with bipolar disorder. Despite the statistics, many are oblivious to its
occurrence and fail to identify it and get treated. International celebrities including Mariah
Carey, Carrie Fisher, Mel Gibson, Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, Ted Turner, Catherine Zeta-
Jones, Frank Sinatra, Jean-Claude Van Damme and Winston Churchill are just a few names
in the sea of personalities diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Indian celebrities are not far
behind. Singer Yo Yo Honey Singh, Shama Sikander and the recent demise of Sushant
Singh Rajput brought this serious mental illness to the forefront and perhaps has acted as
reducing the stigma and taboo around it.

Nonetheless, the illnesses’ similarity in symptoms to various other illnesses makes it difficult
to get diagnosed. Most often the person diagnosed has already suffered this illness for a
very long time before opting for medication. Also, most people do not experience any
symptoms for a long period of time and they lead a normal life. However, this illness is
dangerous as it doesn’t just affect the person’s mood but also the reasoning ability, energy,
concentration, health, sleep, eating habits, sex drive, self-esteem and interpersonal
relationships. In extreme cases it is also fatal where the person may be prone to self-harm or
even suicide.

It is important to understand the symptoms of bipolar to identify the illness and get treated.
People with bipolar exhibit two sets of symptoms during the depressive and manic phases.
During the manic phase, the person behaves impulsively, makes decisions without proper
judgement, and takes unusual risks. The person may ignore or be unaware of any negative
consequences of their unpredictable actions.

The manic phase may include
● Feeling of absolute happiness that not even bad news or tragic events can change
● Sudden rage or extreme irritability
● Highly ambitious delusions or strong beliefs that do not have a logical reasoning. The
person may claim a special connection with God, celebrities or historical characters
● Unrealistic beliefs in one’s abilities
● Inability to control impulsive actions and risky behaviours like splurging on unwanted
things or extreme sexual behaviour

● Uncontrolled thoughts running continuously in the mind
● Inability to sleep which may cause restlessness and hyperactivity
● Difficulty in concentration
● Rapid speech and incoherent jumping from one idea to another
● Losing sense of reality which can lead to hallucinations
● Obsessive compulsive behaviour like cleaning or organising things
● Trying to dominate or take control over people

The depressive phase may include
● Intense sadness or despair
● Feeling of hopelessness
● Lack of interest in activities they once enjoyed
● Loss of energy, tendency to feel easily tired and lethargic
● Difficulty in sleeping; sleeping too much or not sleeping at all
● Change in appetite
● Difficulty in concentrating, remembering or making decisions
● Thoughts of self-harm, death or suicide

The exact cause of bipolar disorder is not known. But it is observed that bipolar disorder
usually starts during teenage or adolescence. Possible risk factors could be hormonal
imbalance, genetics, extreme trauma due to tragic incidents, drugs or substance abuse.
Additionally bipolar can coexist with other illnesses such as acute depression with psychosis
or schizophrenia.

There are four basic types of bipolar disorder:
● Bipolar I Disorder - Manic or mixed episodes that persist for at least 7 days, or severe
manic symptoms that requires the person to be hospitalised immediately. It can also
be depressive episodes that may persist for at least 2 weeks.
● Bipolar II Disorder - A combination of depressive episodes and hypomanic episodes,
but no predominant manic or mixed episodes
● Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (BP-NOS) - Diagnosed when symptoms of
the illness exist but do not meet diagnostic criteria for either bipolar I or II. However,
the symptoms are clearly out of the person’s normal range of behaviour.
● Cyclothymic Disorder or Cyclothymia - A mild form of bipolar disorder where
episodes of hypomania and mild depression may persist for at least two years.

It is very important to visit a mental health expert before declaring yourself with bipolar
disorder. The clinical psychologist conducts several tests and assessments to diagnose the
condition correctly, besides ruling out other underlying problems which could have similar
symptoms. Simultaneously, a psychologist evaluates the person’s thoughts, feelings and
emotions. At times, families too are invited to discuss the emotions of the person in question.
A psychological self-assessment may also be conducted to analyse the severity of the

Mind Piper, a mental health organisation, based in Delhi, is well recognised for its treatment
and emphasises that the person needs to continue it for a lifetime. In fact the organisation
houses clinical psychologists, psychiatrists and psychologists who work in tandem with each
other to chart out a more precise and comprehensive treatment of the individual depending
on the age, medical history, severity of the case and tolerance to medication. Proper
diagnosis and treatment can help a person lead a healthy and productive life. Treatment can
make an enormous difference by reducing the frequency and severity of episodes. A
combination of medication, therapy and counselling can be very effective in treating bipolar

Not getting treatment or discontinuing the existing treatment can worsen the condition and
cause relapse. The treatment focuses on
● Reducing the frequency and severity of the disorder
● Enable the person to manage daily activities and enjoy life at home and at work
● Prevent self-harm and suicide

As the symptoms of bipolar disorder overlap symptoms of depression and schizophrenia,
and the treatments are different and a person may be at a higher risk of suicide, it is
important to reach out to mental health experts and get a proper diagnosis done before
proceeding with the prescribed treatment.